Engineering is always part of our projects in various extent.
Uddcomb provides the following services as part of our projects or as stand alone assignments.
- Project Management
- Site Management
- Welding Engineering (Development of welding repair concepts and new WPQRs)
- Equipment Engineering (Development and customization of new welding applications and equipment)
- Mechanical Design
- Structural Analysis
- Quality Assurance
- Quality Control
Welding Engineering – The backbone of Uddcombs solutions
Uddcomb offers highly specialized engineering analysis related to fracture mechanisms of components together with our partners. Based on the results of such engineering studies Uddcomb can also propose a solution and execute the actual solution onsite. Examples of such engineering capabilities are a combination of welding engineering, metallugy, structural analysis and mechanical design.
Uddcomb develop welding repairs and welding engineering solutions for clients and components worldwide. In order to develop state of the art welding repairs extensive investments have been made in metallurgical and metallographic tools and equipment such as handheld spectrometers (analysis of chemical composition of materials), feritscope, grinding and polishing equipment for analysis of weld samples, metallurgical microscope for analysis of micro & macro weld samples.
Uddcomd support clients and customers with development of welding procedure and welding repairs and also with tailor made welding training and qualification programs of welding crews and teams in our to increase quality and performance during critical onsite welding projects.
Uddcomb also offers FEA-based buckling and welding deformation reports of critical components as part of our projects or as stand-alone assignments. With such FEA-based deformation studies we can assist our clients with predictions and estimations of what will happen with the component after welding (Distorsion, Buckling, Stress). Such engineering studies can be a powerful tool for commercial and technical investment decisions regarding repair or replacement.
Welding Engineering is part of all solutions and projects
Unique FEA-based deformation, buckling and distortion reports – based on welding and heat input from actual WPQRs
Engineering solutions – as part of our own projects or as standalone assignments
Extensive engineering capabilities together with partners worldwide

Uddcomb International AB are an advanced welding service contractor that provides lifetime extensions solutions, repairs and new builds of plant components onsite worldwide. By offering state-of-the-art refurbishments instead of replacements our solutions arent just cost-effective but also environmentally friendly. As an advanced welding service contractor we support our clients during their critical maintenance shutdowns & turnarounds globally.
Some examples of Uddcomb Internationals unique technologies, solutions and capabilities are:
- THE UDDCOMB METHOD® has provided superior corrosion/erosion protection of pressure vessels for more than 30 years
- Manufacturing of test blocks and test specimens for improved reliability of nuclear power primary components
- Manufacturing and installation of equipment for high voltage cable manufacturing
- Mechanized / Automated TIG & Orbital welding solutions onsite for highest possible quality requirements
- Advanced manual welding repairs and replacements of components
- Uddcomb OPTICLAD™ – Refurbishment, repair & corrosion protection of internal diameter small bore nozzles insitu
- Uddcomb OPTICRO™ – Corrosion Resistant Overlay welding of components
- Uddcomb OPTIGAP™ – Uddcomb Internationals advanced welding technology for orbital narrow gap welding with optimized metallurgical properties. Advanced orbital welding solutions that can be tailorized for multiple applications. A technology specially developed for the highest quality requirements.
Do you have a project that you that you would like to discuss? Fill out this form to get in touch.
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+46(0) 73 535 68 91